In Memory of





Condolence From: Patricia Bettis
Condolence: "I never met Bernice, although I felt I knew her. Years ago we corresponded (when I was married to cousin James) and we discussed all sorts of things, decor, plans for the future etc by letter. We lost touch when James and I parted (amicably). More recently I feel I got to know her through her daughter. Laurie spoke of her often with such love I couldn't help but know , at a distance, what a wonderful, vibrant, loving and talented person she was. She will be sorely missed. Patricia (Bettis) London"
Monday February 20, 2017
Condolence From: Elaine Stella (nee Abbott)
Condolence: I fondly remember Mrs. Taylor's big smile. I spent a great deal of time at the Taylor's when Shirley and I went to school together. Mrs. Taylor always made me feel welcome. She would put up with all kinds of things that Shirley and I did and was always ready to lend a hand. My condolence to the family. RIP Mrs. Taylor. Elaine
Thursday February 16, 2017
Condolence From: Pip
Condolence: When I think of Bernice it is as a great spirit; loving, determined, energetic, artistic, positive and cheerful. She will be much missed. My condolences to all her family. Pip (daughter of James, Bernice’s cousin).
Thursday February 16, 2017
Condolence From: Ken Laughlin
Condolence: I knew Bernie for 64 years. Bernie and Pete were our next door neighbors on Oakridge Drive. We had many good times and trips with Bernie and Pete. Bernie was a very active person. She loved swimming when she was younger. Ice cold water didn't stop her. She painted for all the years we knew her, in oil, pastel and acrylic. Her art work was superb. She was a very social person and entertained often. When we played cards, she seemed to have the stamina to stay awake longer than the rest of us. Her friendliness, sweet nature, empathy, determination and talent, her caring about others will always be remembered. We will always remember you Bernie, miss you and think of you all our lives. We love you Bernie. May you rest in peace.
Tuesday February 14, 2017
Condolence From: Jane Troller
Condolence: Many childhood memories that I hold dear and experiences that helped guide what I value in life have strong roots with the Taylor's when they lived 2 doors down from me on Basildon Crescent. From as long as I can remember, Laurie and I developed a close and endearing friendship. We practically lived in each others' homes in the early years of growing up. Mrs. Taylor was the centre of love in her family and made all who entered her home, feel welcome and special. I was one of those lucky people. There was always joy, beauty and happy times in her home. It would take pages to describe all the little acts of love, kindness and graciousness that Mrs. Taylor extended to me. I will tell you one: I will fondly recall feeling like a princess offered "forbidden fruits" when Mrs. Taylor would knock on Laurie's closed bedroom door. Once the giggles diminished and she was given permission to enter, Mrs. Taylor would bring in, on a nicely displayed tray, glasses of Coke and a bowl of potato chips for us to enjoy. I loved hearing from family and friends at the memorial about their relationships and experiences with Mrs. Taylor. Her love of family and friends was so predominant...Thank you for being in my life and all the wonderful memories.
Tuesday February 14, 2017
Condolence From: Nick & Susie Marks
Condolence: Bernice, loved and lost but not forgotten. With love, Nick & Susie xxx (cousin James's son & daughter-in-law)
Monday February 13, 2017
Condolence From: Norma Oda
Condolence: Mrs. Taylor...a real life June Cleaver! Beautiful, always put together, hostess with the mostest, extraordinary mom, devoted wife, fun loving, incredibly talented in the arts. All that & more! I have fond memories of being at the Taylor home. First of all, it always smelled soooo good because of something Mrs. Taylor had going on in the kitchen. I always felt warmly welcomed in the Taylor home, largely because of Mrs. Taylor's big smile. I remember thinking how lucky Laurie was to come home to the atmosphere Mrs. Taylor created for her family. In her later years, Mrs. Taylor was always recognizable by her trademark glowing smile. I admired her sense of adventure over the years, her strength & character. Though I am beyond the years of such a formal title, & I'm sure she'd want me to call her by her first name now, I will always think of her fondly as Mrs. Taylor. May she rest in peace. With love, Norma
Monday February 13, 2017