In Memory of





Condolence From: John & Marie Lucyk
Condolence: Joe, Cindy and family. So sorry to hear of the loss of your Mom. May you find some comfort with the love from family & friends at this difficult time. Our deepest sympathy and take care of each other.
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Condolence From: Mike Piho
Condolence: My heart goes out to joe, joe jr,jeff, and family.From Mike and his family.May she rest in peace,she was a awesome lady,she will be missed greatly. 16
Tuesday May 06, 2014
Condolence From: Heather Perigoe
Condolence: Uncle Joe & Cuz's, I am sorry I will not be able to be with you on Wednesday, but I will be thinking of you all. Aunt Fern is now pain free and she is looking down and you know she is watching us all! I will visit soon, love to you all. Heather
Tuesday May 06, 2014
Condolence From: Karen Conway
Condolence: Fern was an inspiration to me with her humour and strength and her ability to smile through her pain. She always had a twinkle in her eye and that laugh was one of a kind. I wish I had known her for a longer period of time. I will miss her. My condolences to your family. Fern was a very special lady.
Tuesday May 06, 2014
Condolence From: Gary and Rhonda Christian
Condolence: With greatest sympathy we send out condolences.
Tuesday May 06, 2014
Condolence From: Debra McCormick and Bob Taillefer
Condolence: Joey and family, Please know we will be thinking of you during this difficult time.
Tuesday May 06, 2014
Condolence From: Phyllis Oliver
Condolence: We are so sorry for your loss. We have never met her but we know Joe. Art & Phyllis Oliver
Tuesday May 06, 2014
Condolence From: Tammy Bowers
Condolence: So sorry to hear about Fern. I will never forget our days on Garside and camping at West Guilford. And yes Fern was our second Mom. Thinking of you Joe and all your family. Love Tammy Bowers
Monday May 05, 2014
Condolence From: Louise Lorenc
Condolence: Kelly and Family, May your memories make you smile and give you comfort. Those we love are always with us in our hearts. Sending you love and strength in this difficult time. Love Louise and Stan.
Monday May 05, 2014
Condolence From: Wanda Bowers
Condolence: Dear Joe, Joey, Jeff & families, My heart goes out to you all for your loss of Fern. The whole Bowers family has many happy memories of growing up down the street from you folks. Fern was always there when we needed another mom for injuries sustained or a shoulder to cry on. We also had a lot of fun and laughs and Fern always laughed the hardest! I know she will be missed by many, many friends and family. God Bless.
Monday May 05, 2014
Condolence From: Gayle and George Stevens
Condolence: So sorry to hear about Aunt Fern passing. She was such a great aunt, always smiling, even if she was in pain, she never complained. I will never forget that beautiful laugh of hers, it was contagious. Her and dad (Bill Hartin) were always joking with each other when they were together, and when I was young I never knew what they were going to do. She will be missed by all who knew her.
Monday May 05, 2014
Condolence From: John Deremo
Condolence: Joe & Family .. So sorry for your loss, one could never forget Fern's beautiful smile. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Monday May 05, 2014
Condolence From: sandra lamb
Condolence: We are so very sorry to hear about Fern, she was a dear neighbour for years and a true friend. She was a second mum when we were growing up. Joe, Joey, Jeff & families our thoughts are with you at this time. With Love, Rod, Sandra & Family.
Monday May 05, 2014