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My friend Danny

Dan Benko was one of those rare people that I crossed paths with during my life. He became a true and faithful friend. There aren't that many people I put in that category. 

 For better or worse Danny and I shared a number of traits. We had a similar somewhat cynical outlook on a lot of the controversial subjects of the day and we tended to have no problem expressing our opinions on said subjects. I always thought we would end up like the two old men from the muppets, sitting on the balcony of our retirement home criticising the world as it passed by.

The other wonderful trait is we don't particularly care to be told what to do. Case in point, the first time we met Danny was when I was at Bulldog's loading my bike trailer in preparation for the Durham Cruiser poker run. Nancy told Dan he should wait and see what type of bikers we were before coming near us. In typical fashion he marched his butt right up the road and introduced himself. We are all very glad he did.

 Over the years Dan and I would watch the Leaf games from our respective homes and text each other constantly. We would analyze, criticize and cheer until one of us got disgusted and went to bed. We were pretty close to having the Leafs problems solved. They will probably never win a cup now without our help. Hockey games will never be the same.

 Another thing that will never be the same is Sushi. Dan, Nancy, Denise and I went almost weekly to a local all you can eat restaurant and waddled away stuffed. It was a very enjoyable time and it was how we kept up to date on each other's lives. We looked forward to Sushi nights.

Probably the most enjoyable times we had, other than spending time with our lovely wives, was riding together. Dan was just crazy enough to like my riding style. Our adventures weren't without excitement. On one trip to NC Danny, Bulldog, Manson and I were headed north on the Blue Ridge Parkway when Bambi decided to take flying lessons. The deer hit my windshield at 55mph and totalled my Harley. As I'm sitting on the side of the road bleeding I asked Danny for some water. He brought me a bottle and after I took a drink I noticed the brand on the label. Deer Park. I threw the bottle at Dan. He apologized profusely.

On another trip just the two of us headed back to NC, VA, WV and TN, we experienced a storm called a Deragio. Never heard of that before, it actually blew over my 1000lb bike and nearly dropped it on Danny. After that we spent a week dodging power lines, downed, trees, gas stations with no power and 100 degree heat. It was one of the best bike trips I ever was on.

We rode the dragon in TN., the snake in Va and every nasty, twisted piece of asphalt I could find, the twistier it was and the harder we rode it, the bigger the crap eating grin in my mirror was. We truly loved riding together. Danny had a bucket list ride he wanted me to take with him. Three weeks in CA. I committed to going even if I had to rent a bike. I regret we will not be able to complete that ride.

I never had a cross word with Dan. We really seemed too much alike I guess. My time with him was always enjoyable. I really liked his company and I think he enjoyed mine. I will miss Danny a lot. He, like a lot of the Durham Cruiser family, was like a brother to me. Rest in peace brother.

Posted by Big T
Wednesday September 10, 2014 at 10:55 am
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